Potrebujem gýč aby som v tomto svete dokázala byť šťastná

Martina Straková I Need Kitsch To Be Able To Be Happy In This World

Toto je volanie po návrate k súcitu a ľudskosti.

Potrebujem odľahčenie vo forme krásy, dobra a lásky.

Túžim po pocite prirodzeného

usporiadania a harmónie.                   Potrebujem gýč,

            aby som v tomto svete dokázala byť šťastná.

A toto je moje osobné zaklínadlo,

                           moja mantra.


                        Zlatý rez.

I Need Kitsch to be Able to be Happy in This World

This is my personal calling for a return to compassion
and  humanity.

I need relief in the form of beauty, goodness and love.

I long for a feeling of natural order and harmony.

     I need kitsch to be able to be happy in this world.

        And this is my personal magic formula,

         my mantra.


                     The divine proportion.

Ich brauche Kitsch, um in dieser Welt glücklich zu sein

        Das ist mein Zauberspruch

mein Mantra

                  mein Aufruf

zur Rückkehr zu Mitgefühl und Menschlichkeit:

Das Ausgleichen.

                              Der goldene Schnitt.

Is that really happening? What do you think, Jeff_Mural Jewellery Wool, Mixed media, Fotofunia, 2020
Is That Really Happening? What Do You Think, Jeff? Mural Jewellery II-IV Wool, Mixed Media, PhotoFunia, 2020.
Luxembourg Art Prize

Ein Gespräch von / mit Sylvia Geist

This interview began to take place in an online communication in the fall of 2020 at the initiative of the German poet and editor of the online literary anthology-project poetskatze.de Sylvia Geist. We are publishing it in its original German version.

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